AI academic space 2024-09-13 21 0 0 0 0



  • 中文:请构思一个关于“人工智能伦理与法律挑战”的论文大纲,注重分析当前最前沿的伦理困境及潜在的法律解决方案,确保内容既新颖又具备实践指导意义。English: Compose an outline for a paper on "Ethical and Legal Challenges of Artificial Intelligence," emphasizing the analysis of current cutting-edge ethical dilemmas and potential legal solutions, ensuring both novelty and practical implications.
  • 中文:设计一篇探讨“可持续发展视角下的城市规划与绿色建筑”的论文大纲,融入跨学科视角,提出创新性的城市规划策略和绿色建筑设计理念。English: Develop an outline for a paper exploring "Urban Planning and Green Architecture from a Sustainable Development Perspective," integrating interdisciplinary perspectives and proposing innovative urban planning strategies and green building design concepts.
  • 中文:请为我构建一个关于“区块链技术在供应链管理中的应用与革新”的论文大纲,要求分析现有应用的局限性,并提出具有可行性的改进方案。English: Create an outline for a paper on "Applications and Innovations of Blockchain Technology in Supply Chain Management," analyzing the limitations of current applications and proposing feasible improvement solutions.
  • 中文:撰写一篇关于“数字鸿沟对全球教育公平的影响及对策”的论文大纲,强调数据驱动的分析,并探索缩小数字鸿沟、促进教育公平的新路径。English: Draft an outline for a paper investigating "The Impact of the Digital Divide on Global Educational Equity and Countermeasures," emphasizing data-driven analysis and exploring new avenues to bridge the digital divide and promote educational equity.
  • 中文:构思一个关于“气候变化与农业适应性策略”的论文大纲,要求结合最新的科学研究成果,提出适应气候变化的创新农业实践。English: Conceive an outline for a paper on "Climate Change and Agricultural Adaptation Strategies," integrating the latest scientific research findings and proposing innovative agricultural practices to adapt to climate change.
  • 中文:请为我制定一个“心理健康在远程工作时代的挑战与解决方案”的论文大纲,重点关注远程工作对个体心理健康的影响及有效的干预措施。English: Outline a paper on "Mental Health Challenges and Solutions in the Era of Remote Work," focusing on the impact of remote work on individual mental health and effective intervention measures.
  • 中文:设计一篇探讨“社交媒体对青少年社交行为的影响及教育干预”的论文大纲,要求结合心理学和社会学理论,提出切实可行的教育策略。English: Develop an outline for a paper exploring "The Impact of Social Media on Adolescent Social Behavior and Educational Interventions," incorporating psychological and sociological theories to propose practical educational strategies.
  • 中文:请为我构思一个“人工智能辅助医疗诊断的准确性与伦理考量”的论文大纲,强调技术创新与伦理规范的平衡。English: Compose an outline for a paper on "Accuracy and Ethical Considerations of AI-Assisted Medical Diagnosis," emphasizing the balance between technological innovation and ethical norms.
  • 中文:撰写一篇关于“环境保护政策的经济效果评估”的论文大纲,要求采用定量分析方法,评估不同政策对环境和经济的综合影响。English: Draft an outline for a paper assessing "The Economic Effects of Environmental Protection Policies," utilizing quantitative analysis to evaluate the comprehensive impacts of different policies on both the environment and the economy.
  • 中文:请为我制定一个“文化多样性在全球化进程中的作用与保护”的论文大纲,强调文化多样性的价值,并提出在全球化背景下保护文化多样性的策略。English: Outline a paper on "The Role and Protection of Cultural Diversity in the Process of Globalization," emphasizing the value of cultural diversity and proposing strategies for its preservation amidst globalization.



  • 中文:请撰写一篇关于“深度学习在医学图像分析中的应用”的论文摘要,概述研究背景、主要方法、关键发现及其实践意义。English: Compose an abstract for a paper on "Applications of Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis," summarizing the research background, primary methods, key findings, and their practical implications.
  • 中文:为“气候变化对全球粮食安全的潜在威胁与应对策略”的论文撰写摘要,强调研究的紧迫性、提出的解决方案及其创新性。English: Write an abstract for a paper titled "Potential Threats of Climate Change to Global Food Security and Coping Strategies," emphasizing the urgency of the research, proposed solutions, and their novelty.
  • 中文:请生成一篇关于“区块链技术在金融领域的应用与监管挑战”的论文摘要,概述区块链技术的优势、应用实例及面临的监管难题。English: Generate an abstract for a paper on "Applications of Blockchain Technology in Finance and Regulatory Challenges," outlining the advantages of blockchain, application examples, and regulatory difficulties encountered.
  • 中文:为“社交媒体对公众舆论形成的影响机制研究”的论文撰写摘要,阐述研究目的、理论框架、数据分析方法及主要结论。English: Write an abstract for a paper investigating "The Mechanism of Social Media's Influence on the Formation of Public Opinion," explaining the research objectives, theoretical framework, data analysis methods, and main conclusions.
  • 中文:请撰写“可持续发展视角下的绿色能源政策评估”的论文摘要,概述评估标准、政策实施效果及未来政策建议。English: Compose an abstract for a paper evaluating "Green Energy Policies from a Sustainable Development Perspective," outlining the evaluation criteria, policy implementation effects, and future policy recommendations.
  • 中文:为“人工智能在教育领域的创新应用与挑战”的论文生成摘要,强调AI技术如何改变教育模式、面临的挑战及应对策略。English: Generate an abstract for a paper on "Innovative Applications and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence in Education," emphasizing how AI technology is transforming educational models, challenges faced, and coping strategies.
  • 中文:请撰写一篇关于“心理健康服务在新冠疫情期间的优化与效果评估”的论文摘要,介绍研究背景、服务优化措施、评估方法及结果。English: Write an abstract for a paper evaluating "Optimization and Effectiveness of Mental Health Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic," introducing the research background, service optimization measures, evaluation methods, and results.
  • 中文:为“跨文化交流中的语言障碍与沟通策略”的论文生成摘要,概述语言障碍的表现、影响及有效的跨文化沟通策略。English: Generate an abstract for a paper on "Language Barriers and Communication Strategies in Cross-Cultural Exchanges," outlining the manifestations and impacts of language barriers, as well as effective cross-cultural communication strategies.
  • 中文:请撰写“环境污染治理技术的最新进展与未来趋势”的论文摘要,总结当前技术的优势、局限性及未来发展方向。English: Compose an abstract for a paper on "Latest Advances and Future Trends in Environmental Pollution Control Technologies," summarizing the strengths, limitations of current technologies, and future directions.
  • 中文:为“数字化转型对企业竞争力的影响研究”的论文生成摘要,阐述研究背景、数字化转型的关键要素、影响机制及实证分析结果。English: Write an abstract for a paper investigating "The Impact of Digital Transformation on Corporate Competitiveness," explaining the research background, key elements of digital transformation, impact mechanisms, and empirical analysis results.



  • 中文:请为我的论文添加深入的背景分析,涵盖该领域的历史发展、当前趋势及未来展望,以增强内容的丰富性和专业性。English: Please enrich my paper with a thorough background analysis, encompassing the historical development, current trends, and future perspectives of the field to strengthen its richness and professionalism.
  • 中文:在撰写论文时,请注重引用最新、最权威的研究成果,以展现研究的时效性和专业性。English: When composing the paper, please emphasize citing the latest and most authoritative research findings to demonstrate the timeliness and professionalism of the study.
  • 中文:请协助我构建详细的方法论部分,清晰阐述研究设计、实验步骤及数据分析方法,确保内容的专业性和可重复性。English: Assist me in constructing a detailed methodology section, clearly articulating the research design, experimental procedures, and data analysis methods to ensure content professionalism and reproducibility.
  • 中文:为我的论文结果部分提供深入解读,结合理论框架进行分析,使结论更具说服力和专业性。English: Offer in-depth interpretations for the results section of my paper, analyzing them within a theoretical framework to render the conclusions more convincing and professional.
  • 中文:请帮助我在论文中融入批判性思维,对已有研究进行客观评价,并提出创新性的见解或改进建议。English: Please help me incorporate critical thinking into the paper, objectively evaluating existing research, and proposing innovative insights or improvement suggestions.
  • 中文:为提升论文的专业性,请建议如何更好地组织文献综述,确保覆盖全面且分析深刻。English: To enhance the professionalism of the paper, please suggest ways to better organize the literature review, ensuring comprehensive coverage and profound analysis.
  • 中文:在撰写讨论部分时,请引导我深入探讨研究结果的意义、局限性及未来研究方向,以展现内容的深度和专业性。English: When writing the discussion section, please guide me in delving into the implications, limitations, and future research directions of the study results, showcasing the depth and professionalism of the content.
  • 中文:请为我的论文添加实例分析或案例研究,通过具体实践增强内容的实用性和专业性。English: Add case studies or example analyses to my paper to enhance its practicality and professionalism through concrete applications.
  • 中文:在撰写过程中,请注重术语使用的准确性和一致性,确保论文的专业表达。English: Throughout the writing process, please emphasize the accuracy and consistency of terminology usage to ensure the professional expression of the paper.
  • 中文:请协助我完善论文的引言部分,明确研究问题、目的和意义,为全文奠定坚实的专业基础。English: Assist me in refining the introduction section of the paper, clearly articulating the research questions, objectives, and significance, laying a solid professional foundation for the entire document.



  • 中文:请协助我通过改写句子结构和替换同义词来降低XXX论文的重复率,确保内容保持原意且更加独特。

    English: Please assist me in reducing the duplication rate of the XXX paper by rephrasing sentence structures and substituting synonyms, ensuring the content remains faithful to the original intent while becoming more unique.
  • 中文:为我的XXX论文提供降重建议,特别是针对那些高度相似的段落,建议如何重新组织语言以增加原创性。English: Offer suggestions for reducing the repetition in my XXX paper, particularly for highly similar paragraphs, advising on how to reorganize language to enhance originality.
  • 中文:请分析XXX论文中的重复内容,并生成替代性的表述,以符合学术诚信要求。English: Analyze the repetitive content in the XXX paper and generate alternative expressions to comply with academic integrity standards.
  • 中文:我需要对我的XXX论文进行降重处理,请帮助识别并修改直接引用部分,确保它们符合引用规范且减少重复。English: I need to reduce the duplication in my XXX paper. Please help identify and modify direct quotations to ensure they comply with citation norms and minimize repetition.
  • 中文:请为我的论文提供降重策略,特别是针对那些容易被查重系统识别为重复的常见表达。English: Provide strategies for reducing duplication in my paper, especially targeting common expressions that are prone to being flagged by plagiarism detection systems.
  • 中文:协助我通过增加原创性分析和讨论来扩展XXX论文的内容,从而降低重复率。English: Assist me in expanding the content of the XXX paper through the addition of original analysis and discussion, thereby reducing the duplication rate.
  • 中文:请为我的论文中的关键概念提供多样化的解释和阐述,以减少与现有文献的相似性。English: Offer diverse explanations and elaborations for key concepts in my paper to reduce similarity with existing literature.
  • 中文:我需要对我的XXX论文进行深度降重,请帮助我将间接引用转化为自己的话,并增加新的观点和论据。English: I require a deep reduction in duplication for my XXX paper. Please help me convert indirect citations into my own words and incorporate new perspectives and arguments.
  • 中文:请检查我的论文,识别并建议修改那些可能因过度引用而导致重复率上升的段落。English: Review my paper and identify paragraphs that may contribute to an elevated duplication rate due to excessive quoting, offering suggestions for modification.
  • 中文:为我的XXX论文提供降重技巧,特别是关于如何有效整合多个来源的信息,同时保持内容的独立性和原创性。English: Provide techniques for reducing duplication in my XXX paper, particularly regarding how to effectively integrate information from multiple sources while maintaining content independence and originality.


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