Deleon 2024-04-05 476 0 0 0 0

在使用ChatGPT学术写作中,润色是一个至关重要的步骤。润的好,能明显提升论文的学术标准、增强逻辑的连贯性、优化语法结构以及达到最佳的原创度我会通过这篇文章详细介绍如何使用ChatGPT进行学术论文的润色,包括英文和中文润色指令的使用说明。在使用ChatGPT进行学术论文润色时,需要使用明确清晰的提示词指令来指导ChatGPT如何进行修改。这些指令包括你希望改进的具体方面,例如语言、语法、句子结构、逻辑连贯性等等。一、英文润色:对一篇学术论文中的段落进行润色,使其符合学术风格,提高拼写、语法、清晰度、简洁性和整体可读性,并且可以要求AI在Markdown表格中列出所有修改及其原因。中文指令:以下是一篇学术论文中的段落。请重新润色写作,以符合学术风格,提高拼写、语法、清晰度、简洁性和整体可读性。如有必要,重写整个句子。此外,请在Markdown表格中列出所有修改,并解释修改的原因。英文指令:The following is a paragraph from anacademic paper. Refinish writing to conform to academic style, improvespelling, grammar, clarity, conciseness, and overall readability. If necessary,rewrite the entire sentence. In addition, list all modifications in theMarkdown table and explain the reasons for doing so.二、中文润色:对中文学术论文的文本进行润色,改进其语言和结构,使其更加清晰、简洁。只提供修改后的文本,不需要解释修改的原因。中文指令:作为一名中文学术论文写作改进专家,你的任务是改进所提供文本的拼写、语法、清晰、简洁和整体可读性,同时分解长句,减少重复,并提供改进建议。请只提供文本的更正版本,避免包括解释。英文指令As a Chinese academic paper writingimprovement assistant, your task is to enhance the spelling, grammar, clarity,conciseness, and overall readability of the provided text. Break down longsentences, reduce repetition, and offer suggestions for improvement. Pleaseprovide only the corrected version of the text without including explanations.三、SCI论文润色:在准备提交SCI论文时,对每个段落进行润色,以提升学术严谨性。纠正语法错误,改进句子结构,并在必要时使文本更加正式。将修改后的句子放入Markdown表格中,包括原始句子、修改后的句子以及修改原因,并重写整个更正后的段落。中文指令我正在准备我的SCI论文以便提交,需要帮助润色每个段落。你能帮我提升学术严谨性吗?我需要你纠正任何语法错误,改进句子结构以适应学术要求,并在必要时使文本更加正式。对于每个需要改进的段落,你需要将所有修改后的句子放在一个Markdown表格中,每一列分别包含以下内容:完整的原始句子;突出显示句子的修订部分;解释为什么做出这些更改。最后,重写整个更正后的段落。英文指令I am preparing my SCI paper forsubmission and require assistance in polishing each paragraph. Could you pleaserefine my writing for academic rigor? I need you to correct any grammaticalerrors, improve sentence structure for academic suitability, and make the textmore formal where necessary. For each paragraph we need to improve, you need toput all modified sentences in a Markdown table, each column contains thefollowing: Full original sentence; Highlight the revised part of the sentence;Explain why made these changes. Finally, Rewrite the full, corrected paragraph.四、期刊/会议风格:根据特定期刊或会议的风格要求,对文本内容进行润色,以符合其发表标准。中文指令如果我希望将论文发表在XXX会议/期刊上,请按照XXX文章的风格,对上面的内容进行润色。英文指令If I wish to publish a paper at a XXXconference, please polish the above content in the style of a XXX article.五、润色英文段落结构和句子逻辑:分析并改进英文段落中的逻辑和句子连贯性,提高整体内容的质量和可读性。仅提供改进后的文本,并用中文列出改进点。中文指令我是一名研究***(你的研究方向)的学者,目前正在修订我的手稿,准备提交至+(你的投稿期刊)。我想让你分析以下文本中每个段落内句子之间的逻辑和连贯性,识别任何可以改进句子流畅性或连接性的区域,并提供具体建议以提高内容的整体质量和可读性。请在改进后只提供文本,并用中文列出改进点。英文指令I am a researcher studying +(你的研究方向) and now trying to revise my manuscript which will be submitted tothe +(你的投稿期刊). I want you to analyze the logic andcoherence among sentences within each paragraph in the following text, identifyany areas where the flow or connections between sentences could be improved,and provide specific suggestions to enhance the overall quality and readabilityof the content. Please only provide the text after improving and then give alist of the improvements in Chinese.六、直接润色段落:直接对给定段落进行润色,使其在逻辑上更加连贯,并符合学术风格。中文指令润色上面的内容,使其更加更合逻辑,更符合学术风格。英文指令Polish the paragraph above to make itmore logical, and academic.七、润色多版参考:提供多个润色版本的参考,以便选择最合适的版本。中文指令请提供多个版本供参考。英文指令Please provide multiple versions forreference.八、错误纠正:如果之前的回答中有误解或错误,根据新增的信息重新回答问题。中文指令注意,不是.....,而是.....。请根据我新增的内容,重新回答之前的问题。英文指令Prompt: Note that it is not ....., but..... Re-answer the previous question based on what I have added.九、重新回答:如果对之前的回答不满意,可以要求重新回答,这次重点关注去除文本中的冗余。中文指令还是上面的问题,我认为你的回答不够好。请重新回答一次,这次你应该侧重于去除这段话中的冗余。英文指令Still the above question, I think youranswer is not good enough. Please answer again, this time focusing on removingredundancy from this passage.十、语法检查/查找语法错误:检查文本的语法和拼写是否正确,不进行润色。如果发现错误,用Markdown表格列出原始文本和更正后的文本,并突出显示修正的关键词。中文指令你能帮助我确保语法和拼写正确无误吗?不要尝试润色文本,如果没有发现错误,请告诉我这段话很好。如果你发现了语法或拼写错误,请按照之前的例子,在双列的Markdown表格中列出你发现的错误,第一列放原始文本,第二列放更正后的文本,并突出显示你修正的关键词。英文指令Can you help me ensure that thegrammar and the spelling is correct? Do not try to polish the text, if nomistake is found, tell me that this paragraph is good. If you find grammar orspelling mistakes, please list mistakes you find in a two-column markdowntable, put the original text the first column, put the corrected text in thesecond column and highlight the key words you fixed. Example: Paragraph: How isyou? Do you knows what is it? | Original sentence | Corrected sentence | | :---| :--- | | How is you? | How are you? | | Do you knows what is it? | Do youknow what it is? | Below is a paragraph from an academic paper. You need toreport all grammar and spelling mistakes as the example before. Paragraph: XXX示例:| 原始句子 | 更正后的句子 | | :--- | :--- | | How is you? | How are you? | | Do you knowswhat is it? | Do you know what it is? |以下是一篇学术论文中的段落。你需要按照上述例子报告所有语法和拼写错误。段落:XXX十一、语法校正:确保研究论文的语法和拼写正确无误。如果发现错误,用Markdown表格列出并更正,突出显示修正的关键词。中文指令我是一名研究+(你的研究方向)的学者,目前正在修订我的手稿,准备提交至+(你的投稿期刊)。请帮我确保语法和拼写正确无误。不要尝试改进文本,如果没有发现错误,请告诉我这段话很好。如果你发现语法或拼写错误,请在双列的Markdown表格中列出错误,第一列放原始文本,第二列放更正后的文本,并突出显示你修正的关键词。英文指令I am a researcher studying +(你的研究方向) and now trying to revise my manuscript which will be submitted tothe +(你的投稿期刊). Please help me to ensure the grammar andspelling are correct. Do not try to improve the text, if no mistake found, tellme this paragraph is good.If you find grammar or spelling mistakes, please listthe mistakes you find in a two-column markdown table, put the original text inthe first column, put the corrected text in the second column, and do highlightthe key words you fixed in bold.十二、修改建议:作为某一领域专家,提供对文本的具体修改建议,而不是全文修改。中文指令你现在扮演一个+(你所研究的领域)领域的专家,从专业的角度,您认为上面这些内容是否有需要修改的地方?注意,不要全文修改,您需要一一指出需要修改的地方,并且给出修改意见以及推荐的修改内容。英文指令You are now acting as an expert in thefield of +(你所研究的领域). From a professional point of view,do you think there is any need to modify the above content? Be careful not tomodify the whole text, you need to point out the places that need to bemodified one by one, and give revision opinions and recommended revisioncontent.十三、修改意见:中文指令我开始写论文了,题目是XXXXX,现在我完成了引言部分,但是不确定是否合适,你能帮我看一下,并提出详细具体的修改意见吗?

英文指令I started to write an academic paper, the title is XXXXX, now I havefinished the introduction part, but I am not sure whether it is suitable, canyou help me to read it, and put forward detailed and specific revisionsuggestions?十四、封装基本事实/原理/背景:润色的同时,修改基本逻辑错误。如果对内容的润色需要一些背景知识,可以在对话时主动告诉ChatGPT,比如XXX原理。中文指令现在,为了接下来能够帮我更好的润色论文,我需要你记住XXX原理:“.......”。英文指令Now, in order to help me better polish my thesis, I need you toremember the XXX principle: ".......".这样就相当于为一段内容,封装了一个函数名称,之后你再次提到XXX原理的时候,ChatGPT就能快速知道你说的是哪些基本事实了。下一步中文指令:润色并重写上面的内容,使其更加符合论文的风格,于此同时,又能更加专业化,如果有不符合事实或者逻辑的部分,请你参考XXX原理部分对上面的内容修改。下一步中文指令:Polish and rewrite the above content tomake it more in line with the style of academic papers, and at the same time,it can be more professional. If there are parts that do not conform to facts orlogic, please refer to the part of xxxxx for the above content modification.十五、逻辑论证辅助:中文指令请帮我分析和优化这段论证的逻辑结构,以使其更具说服力。英文指令Please help me analyze and optimize the logical structure of thisargument to make it more convincing.十六、个性化润色指令:根据具体的润色需求,选择相应的指令来优化文本,包括微调、边际性修改、清晰性增强、句子结构简化、语法校验、文本流畅性和连贯性提升、措辞精练、风格调整、重要编辑和内容架构改变等。更精确的术语(More precise):选择更精确的词汇,例如使用“generate”代替“produce”精炼表达(More concise):去除冗余的表达以提高句子的清晰度和直接性。客观的语言(More objective):剔除含糊和主观性表述,以客观方式呈现信息。细化描述(More specific):提供更具体的细节,以支持论点或想法。更连贯的表达(More coherent):确保句子的组织性良好,逻辑流畅。保持风格一致(More consistent):确保用词和语调与整篇论文保持一致。符合学术风格(More academic):运用正确的学术用语如“moreover”和“consequently”。规范语法(More formal grammar):使用正确的语法或句法,避免语句不完整或偏离主题。深化细节描绘(More nuanced):使用精准的词汇和短语描述复杂或微妙的概念,使句子更加细化。Make nuanced adjustments:对文本进行微调lmplement marginal modifications:进行边际性修改Clarify through rewording:改述以增强清晰性Streamline sentence composition:简化句子结构Verify grammatical correctness andorthography:校验语法的拼写的正确性lmprove textual fluidity and consistency:提升文本的流畅度和连贯性Refine diction:措辞精练Adjust for stylistic alignment:调整风格Execute substantial revisions:执行重要的编辑Overhaul content framework:改变内容架构十七、润色定位:在提供修改后的内容时,还需要AI指出修订版本中哪些内容被修改。中文指令注意,除了给出润色修改之后的内容,还请指明修订的版本中具体修改了哪些段落的哪几句话。英文指令Note that in addition to giving the modified content, please alsoindicate which paragraphs and sentences have been modified in the revisedversion.


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