Deleon 2024-10-14 17 0 0 0 0




1. 文献搜索与筛选


  • 请帮助我生成一组与[某个领域]相关的高级搜索关键词,用于精准定位该领域内的核心文献。

    • Please help me generate an advanced list of search keywords related to [specific field] to precisely locate core literature in this field.

  • 请帮我总结现有文献中的主要研究主题和最新趋势,并推荐后续的研究方向。

    • Please summarize the main research topics and latest trends in the existing literature and recommend future research directions.

  • 请帮助我识别出在[某个研究领域]中引用频率最高的文献,并简述其在该领域中的学术贡献。

    • Please help me identify the most frequently cited literature in [specific research field] and briefly explain their academic contribution in this area.

  • 请帮我筛选出最近五年内的研究成果,并与经典文献进行对比,分析新旧研究的差异和发展。

    • Please help me filter out research results from the past five years and compare them with classic literature to analyze the differences and developments.

  • 请按时间顺序帮助我整理与[某个主题]相关的核心文献,显示研究演变的脉络。

    • Please organize core literature related to [specific topic] in chronological order, showing the evolution of the research.

2. 内容组织与主题归类


  • 请帮助我根据研究方法或研究结果,为文献综述设计一个清晰的结构分类。

    • Please help me design a clear structural classification for the literature review based on research methods or results.

  • 请帮我将这些文献按照不同理论观点进行分类,并总结每个类别中的核心结论。

    • Please help me classify these works according to different theoretical perspectives and summarize the key conclusions in each category.

  • 请帮助我构建一个连贯的文献综述框架,确保每个章节之间自然过渡。

    • Please help me construct a coherent literature review framework that ensures smooth transitions between sections.

  • 请帮我按照研究对象或范围为这些文献分类,明确不同研究对象的关注点。

    • Please categorize these works according to research subjects or scope, clarifying the focus points of different research subjects.

  • 请帮助我分析各主题之间的相互关联,建议如何在文献综述中整合这些主题。

    • Please help me analyze the interrelationships between the themes and suggest how to integrate them into the literature review.

3. 理论框架构建


  • 请帮助我提炼现有文献中的理论框架,并建议如何为我的研究提供理论支持。

    • Please help me extract the theoretical framework from the existing literature and suggest how it can support my research.

  • 请帮我比较不同文献中的理论模型,建议如何整合构建一个适合我研究的理论框架。

    • Please help me compare theoretical models from different works and suggest how to integrate them into a theoretical framework suitable for my research.

  • 请帮我识别文献中的不同理论流派,并简要总结它们在该领域的主要观点差异。

    • Please help me identify different theoretical schools of thought in the literature and briefly summarize their key differences in this field.

  • 请帮我梳理出影响[某个研究主题]的核心理论,并评估其有效性。

    • Please help me identify the core theories influencing [specific research topic] and assess their effectiveness.

  • 请帮助我识别适合我研究的概念框架,并提供应用这些框架的建议。

    • Please help me identify suitable conceptual frameworks for my research and provide suggestions for applying these frameworks.

4. 批判性分析


  • 请帮我评估现有研究的优缺点,并提出可能的改进方向。

    • Please help me evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of existing research and suggest possible improvements.

  • 请帮我总结文献中的争议性观点,并提供批判性讨论。

    • Please help me summarize controversial viewpoints in the literature and provide critical discussion.

  • 请帮助我识别现有研究中的局限性,并为未来的研究方向提供建议。

    • Please help me identify the limitations in current research and suggest future research directions.

  • 请帮我评估这些文献使用的研究方法是否合适,并讨论可能的改进途径。

    • Please help me evaluate whether the research methods used in these works are appropriate and discuss possible improvements.

  • 请帮助我在文献综述中加入批判性观点,分析哪些结论需要进一步验证。

    • Please help me incorporate critical viewpoints into the literature review, analyzing which conclusions need further validation.

5. 文献综述结构优化


  • 请帮我调整文献综述的结构,使各个章节之间的逻辑更加紧密。

    • Please help me adjust the structure of the literature review to make the logical connections between sections tighter.

  • 请帮我优化文献综述中的过渡段,使各个主题间的联系更加自然。

    • Please help me optimize the transitions in the literature review to make the connections between themes more natural.

  • 请帮助我重写结论段,使其更加简洁有力,总结现有文献的核心观点。

    • Please help me rewrite the conclusion to make it more concise and impactful, summarizing the core points of the existing literature.

  • 请帮我将文献综述中的关键观点以表格或图示的形式展示,便于读者理解。

    • Please help me present the key points of the literature review in table or graphical form to facilitate readers' understanding.

6. 文献综述创新性提升

  • 请帮我识别这一领域中的研究空白点,并提出创新性的研究方向。

    • Please help me identify research gaps in this field and propose innovative research directions.

  • 请帮助我从现有文献中提炼出新的理论贡献,并建议如何展示这些贡献。

    • Please help me extract new theoretical contributions from existing literature and suggest how to showcase these contributions.

  • 请帮我分析文献中的交叉领域或未被充分研究的问题,并提出新的研究视角。

    • Please help me analyze cross-disciplinary areas or underexplored issues in the literature and propose new research perspectives.

  • 请帮助我展示不同研究领域的整合,并提出新的研究框架。

    • Please help me present the integration of different research fields and propose a new research framework.








    比如查文献的Consensus、写学术论文的Scholar GPT



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